Countdown Timer

The images above represents a small sample of the trophies we have had at past shows.
Our show is participant voting show. We are well aware of the controversies of a participant voting show and a a judged show. It is very hard to get great judges for a car show. At best, most are volunteers and as we've always said, if you get a hundred judges, you will get a hundred different results. As such, we made the decision to keep ours a participant voting show. 

Just deciding which type of show to go with was not good enough for us. If we are doing a participant voting show, we needed to make it as fair as possible and do our best to remove the issues that typically occur with such a show. As a result, we have developed our own unique back-end verification process with checks and balances to ensure that we have the fairest participant voting process anywhere. Granted, it won't catch everything, but it will eliminate a majority of the issues that surrounds a participant voting show. Our process involves the following:

       1) You are not allowed to vote for your own vehicle. Each ballot is numbered with your entry number.
           If your entry number appears on your ballot, that vote will be removed and will not be counted. The
           remaining votes on your ballot will be counted.

       2) We don't encourage clubs members to vote for their clubs cars, but we also don't want to dictate
           who you can and can't vote for other than your own car as noted above. As long as we don't see
           a majority of club members voting for club cars, we will let the votes go through (and we will check).
           However, if we find that a large number of club cars were voted on by the majority of the club
           members resulting in many or most winning an award, we will cap the awards for that club. Over
           the past three years, an average of 30% of the show attendees have received an award. Therefore,
           if we find this situation has occurred, that club will be capped to no more than 30% resulting in 
           no more than 30% of those club members from winning an award.

           We do these above checks because we catch this every year, folks voting on their own car, only
           voting for club member cars, even voting for their own car or a friends car multiple times on their 
           voting card. Last year several voting cards had the same entry number on their voting card 
           two or three times with one card having the same entry number four times. In fact, we even had 
           voting cards turned in from the previous years show, that's why we color code them each year.

We included a few photos of our 
build process to give you a sense 
on what it takes to create these 
trophies. The list below is a standard
 list of our annual awards.  Our 
awards process ensures that no 
vehicle wins more than one award 
in order to award as many vehicles
 as possible. The only exception to 
this rule is our annual "Car Show 
Raffle Package" which includes a 
trophy. This is a raffled package 
that is drawn at the end of the 
awards and a person having won a 
trophy could win this raffle as well. 
This is the only situation where 
someone can win more than one award. 

OUR 2025 TROPHY LIST:  (Subject to change)

        Top Awards
           1) Top 50 Cars
           2) Top 10 Trucks
           3) Top 3 Motorcycles 
           4) Top 3 Side-by-Sides  
           5) Top 3 Tractors 

        Specialty Award's
           1) Kid's Choice  
           2) Police Chief's Pick
           3) Fire Chief's Pick
           4) J.W. Decker Classic Award
           5) Pastor's Pick
           6) Top Truck
           7) Top Car
           8) “Schultz Cup” – Best of Show (Top Vote Receiver based on category ratio)

          Note: The Trophy List is subject to change at any time. 

A vehicle can only win the Schultz Cup one time. The winning vehicle with the most 
participant votes at the end of the show will be deemed the winner. We will use a calculated
 formula that measures the ratio of vehicles in a given category against the votes received in
that category to fairly determine the correct winner.  

If the vehicle receiving the highest volume of votes won the Schultz Cup in a prior year, then
the vehicle that received the second most participant votes will be deemed the winner (the 
previous winner's vehicle would then receive a "TOP" Award in their class. In the event 
of a tie, and if neither vehicle has previously won the award; the tie breaker will be decided by 
a single vote by the show coordinator.

This is a trophy, but a raffled off trophy. Here is how it works:
       1) Register and pay prior to July 1st for the current year's show and you are 
            automatically entered. 
             (Note: if you register after this date, you will not be included in this raffle)
       2) Your vehicle must be present and displayed at the show to be eligible for the raffle.
       3) At the conclusion of the awards ceremony, we will draw a lucky number.
       4) If your entry number is drawn, here is what is included in the package:
           a) You win a nice trophy that will be awarded at the show.
           b) Your vehicle is featured on the dash plaque, show trophies, &event t-shirt next year.
           c) You entry fee for next year is waived.
           d) Your entry number will be #1.
           e) Reserved parking for next year's show anywhere at the show for you and a friend.
                NOTE: You must provide us advance notice of where you want to park and your
                friend must be registered or plan to register for the show.
           f) Your name and vehicle info is added to our show trophy on display in Town Hall.
          g) A lifetime of bragging rights.

To provide these custom trophies, the designing starts a year in advance to allow enough time throughout the year to have these built in time for the show.
As you can see by these photos, the build process is quite extensive. In the end, we come out with a completed product like the trophy below from a few years ago.
Our trophy build process is very involved. Although trophies may be the same style, we make sure that no two are ever created to be identical. Each trophy is unique in one way or another. At times, some are even serial numbered like this version was.