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Contact Town Hall at 4994 Milton Street
Coatesville, IN 46121  765-386-7205

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Coatesville Downtown Revitalization (CDR) Semi Annual Update


This is an Annual Review opposed to a Semi-Annual Review. Given the pandemic outbreak in early 2020, both 2020 and 2021 have been down years for the CDR, but not completely uneventful. We have had a few things move forward, but nothing significant to necessitate a review in the first half of the year.

That said, we were able to have our annual car show this year and broke all records. After a rainy Friday night last lasted into the morning of the car show, the rain finally let off around 4:00am. We normally start setting up on Friday night and work through the night, but this year we could not start until 4:00am. In less than three hours, were able to get 95% of the set-up completed and pushed the water off the streets in time for the show. We had cars lining up at 6:30am. Despite the early morning rain, we had a total of 234 cars at this year's show breaking our old record by more than 60 cars. We raised a record breaking $15,000 after expenses from the show. On July 16th, 2022, we celebrate our 10th Anniversary Car Show with 112 handmade trophies and have a few surprises in store for everyone in attendance. It is going to be our biggest and best show to date, so let everyone know and be sure to attend. For show information, visit the Car Show Facebook Page or the Car Show Website for all details.

The car show moved forward because it was an outside event. The Spaghetti Dinner and Bingo for 2021 have both been cancelled and will be re-evaluated for 2022. We are planning a Tree Lighting Event, but at the time of this writing, we are unsure how we will do this and what the date will be. Please watch the Coatesville Indiana Facebook Page for updates. We also plan to have our annual house lighting contest with details available soon. 

I am sure by now you have also noticed that we put together a Bicycle Give-A-Way for the 2021 Holiday Season. Obtaining these bicycles has been two years in the making. Working with Bicycle Garage Indy (BCI), we obtained the refurbished bicycles through their "Shifting Gears" Program. The purpose of the program is to distribute these bicycles to underprivileged children and families in need. This is for those residing in the Coatesville Town Limits. If we do not receive enough entries into the raffle, we have the option to expand this program to the entire Coatesville Zip Code after two weeks. If that is the case, we will announce it on our Facebook Page. For more information and to enter the raffle for one of these bicycles, visit the Coatesville Website.

As we move into 2022, we need fresh faces, fresh ideas, and more community input on the future and direction of the CDR. For that reason, we are asking that you seriously consider getting involved with the CDR. Your time and commitment are not mandated, you just do what you can when you can. We need fresh perspectives and hope you will consider getting involved with helping to improve the community you live and/or work in.

Since many of you may not be completely aware of who we (the CDR) are, and what it is we do, I have put together the following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help answer questions you might have about the CDR. Look at our FAQs that follow this message, and we hope to hear from you.

Have a Happy, Save and Healthy Holiday Season!


Steven Schultz
President, Coatesville Downtown Revitalization (CDR)


CDR Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does it cost me to join the CDR?
Nothing! There is no fee or dues to join.

What is the mission and/or goal of the CDR?
The CDR Mission statement states the following: “Coatesville Downtown Revitalization Inc. is a group of business owners and residents committed to and focused on promoting economic growth and positive community development through projects that are supportive of these goals.”  

You ask yourself what does that mean? It means that our primary focus is on the improvement and economic development of the downtown district. More definitively, working to bring new business into the community, supporting existing businesses where we can, visual improvements of our downtown district, achieving ways to draw business into the community and local businesses, historical restoration, and preservation, and more. The events we hold are three-fold: For the community itself, to bring business into the community, plus these events help us raise funding for future town projects.

Who recognizes the CDR?
The CDR is recognized by the State of Indiana’s Main Street Program. More specifically, The Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA). The CDR is also a nationally recognized organization and member of National Main Street (NCM).

Is the CDR a non-profit organization?
Yes, the CDR is an approved and registered non-profit organization with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). We are a qualified 501(c)(3) and are exempt from federal income tax. A 501(c)(3) organization is unique because donations to these organizations are tax-deductible for donors.  

Is the CDR just for residents or can anyone join?
Anyone in the Coatesville area or with direct ties to Coatesville are welcome to join. This includes residents and business owners that may live in or outside of town. Anyone with an interest in helping the Coatesville community are welcome to join. 

What is the time commitment required to be part of the CDR?
There is no required commitment. Do as much or as little as your time permits. All we ask is that you attend as many meetings and events as possible that work within your schedule. Every little bit helps, nothing is mandated.

Do I have to work every event?
No. As mentioned above, its what your time permits and the activities that interest you. Of course, we would like as many people as possible to help and support an event, but we also understand that there are other time commitments including family and work which must come first.

When and how often do you meet?
Our regular scheduled monthly meeting is always on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00pm in the Coatesville Community building. 

Do I have to attend every meeting?
No. We just ask that if you cannot make a meeting to let us know in advance so we can mark you as excused. That way we know who is coming and who is expected so we know in advance if we will have a quorum.

What happened to the Spaghetti Dinner and BINGO? Will these be back?
These activities are still on our plate, but due to COVID, these activities have been postponed and will be re-evaluated in 2022. These are indoor activities that draw large crowds, so in the interest of public safety we had to cancel these events for 2020 and 2021. 

I have a project on the end of town that will benefit the community. Can the CDR help me out with that?
No. However, several members of the CDR tend to help with other activities outside the CDR or that fall outside the CDR Defined Business District when possible. The CDR focus is on the downtown district improvement, restoration/preservation, and economic development.

I can think of other events or things we could be doing to help the downtown area.
Yes, there are many and that is why we need a fresh perspective and input from folks like yourself. The more we can expand the current CDR, the more things we will be able to do and accomplish for the benefit of the community.

I would like to join, but I have personal constraints that may limit me as to what I can do where events or activities are concerned.
That is not a problem. We never schedule anyone in a position that they do not want or are not interested in. We have folks that cannot stand for extended periods of time, so we will give them a sitting position at an event. Others may not want to be in the sun, so we will place them in an air-conditioned area or under a shaded tent. We will always accommodate you with what you want to do and what you are able to do when your time allows you to help us with an event.

How is the CDR funded?
The CDR receives it funding through fundraising events like the Spaghetti Dinner, Bingo, and the Car Show. This can include event sponsorship money and private donations. At times we may receive funding through a matching or non-matching grant from the State of Indiana. Many of our members also donate their time, labor, expertise, items and sometime monetarily to our events.

As a member, am I required to donate?
Absolutely not. It is always up to the individual whether they want to donate in any capacity. Of course, donating time to some of our events is the most important thing to us. We would like for our members to help at events donating their time if they are able to do so if it does not impact their work and/or family commitments.

How do you decide what events and projects you are going to do?
At our monthly meeting, event and project ideas may be brought up and discussed. As a group we will openly discuss that idea and put it to a vote if we have a quorum. If we have a lead person willing to chair that activity with support from the rest of the group, we will move it forward. Of course, that depends too on whether we currently have the funding to support that event or activity or have the means to secure the funds. 

What about the Town Council? How does the CDR fit in with what they are doing?
The CDR works closely with the Town Council. A representative of the CDR attends every Town Council Meeting. Likewise, Town Council representation is present at each CDR meeting. Nothing happens within the CDR without the Town Council knowing about it and in many cases, providing their approval as well.

How many members are there in the CDR today?
Currently there are 11 active members in the CDR. There is no constraint on how many members we can have. Anyone with an interest in helping the Coatesville community are welcome.

What is the structure of the CDR?
Each member is considered a Board Member (or general member). There is also an Executive Board that consists of the following: President/Chair, Vice President/Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Co-Treasurer.

Why do you have a Treasurer and Co-Treasurer?
We have Bi-Laws in place that defines the requirements for each position. The Treasurer is responsible for all financial accounting and event budgets. As such, it is the Treasurer writes and signs all checks. We have a Co-Treasurer to help with the financial responsibilities plus we require two signatures on each check as a control measure. The President and Vice President are not checking account signatories, only the Treasurer and Co-Treasurer are. The Secretary is also a backup signatory in the event one of the Treasurers is not available.

How can I be part of the Executive Board?
Every two years in October (even years), nominations are held for those interested in any of the Executive Board positions. If more than one person is interested in a particular position, a ballot will be created by the Secretary and sent to each member. Ballots will be counted at the November Meeting and the results will be announced. The new Executive Board will always take office on January 1st at the start of the new year (odd years). 

What kind of Historical Preservation and/or Restoration Projects have you supported?
There are two answers to this question. 
First, we have the Historical Society created in 2018. The Historical Society is separate from the CDR and has their own meetings, but it rolls up to the CDR. The Historical Society has been actively seeking and collecting vintage Coatesville artifacts which can prove challenging. They are also documenting all the historical documents from Town Hall and are in the process of placing those items electronically online. The Historical Society created space in Town Hall where many of the artifacts obtained to date are on display for the public between 11:00am-3:00pm daily.

Secondly, where restoration projects are concerned, the CDR initiated the idea to restore a couple of buildings in town with the support of the Historical Society, the Town of Coatesville, and the building owners. One project was completed in 2019 (Standard Building) and the other in 2020 (International Harvester Building).

Why did you select the buildings that you did to rehab? They are not active businesses.
These buildings were selected because they are in the downtown district in key visual locations and could be considered an eyesore to the folks that pass through the community. For that reason, these buildings were selected, and an agreement was made with the owner of each property with an investment from each owner.

How much did it cost the CDR and community?
Nothing. Although these projects were supported by the CDR, the town, and the Historical Society, that support came through personnel only. There were no CDR funds used and there was no taxpayer money used. The Standard Station was done through donations and a grant from the state specifically worked out between the CDR and the state for a privately owned vacant building. The International Harvester Building was done with donations, no grant. 

Can you rehab a building that is currently occupied?
We have looked at occupied buildings in the downtown area and have spoken with property owners on properties we considered as a potential candidate. On a couple of buildings, the owner(s) were not interested and/or did not think their building required a rehab. There are others we are still looking at and are in discussions with the owner or will be approaching them if we have not already.

Other questions? 
If you have other questions about joining the CDR or what the CDR does that was not covered here, feel free to email us at [email protected]

If you would like to attend one of our meetings, they are held the second Thursday of every month (weather permitting) at the Coatesville Community Building at 7:00pm.